Care Technology activity monitoring | Why Carezapp - Carezapp Care Technology activity monitoring | Why Carezapp - Carezapp

Amongst all the challenges, it’s people who care!

Making a Difference with Care Technology (Video duration: 02:40)

    Video Highlights: …enhanced the wonderful care already being provided, staff found the system easy to use, felt more empowered, eased a staffing crisis and delivered a 10X return…


By incorporating Carezapp care technology into care and support services, providers can improve the support for their frontline people, enhance quality face-to-face care and enable proactive care monitoring for vulnerable people on a 24/7 year-round basis.


KEY BENEFITS realised through incorporating Carezapp include more positive outcomes, enhanced experiences, and greater scope and efficiencies in delivering care and support services.

  • Maximising choice, control and independence for the people you support.
  • Supporting person-centred care in a holistic and non-intrusive way.
  • Empowering the people who care, enabling the people they care for to flourish.
Through a partnership approach, Carezapp supports your services’ digital evolution by enabling care technology to deliver advanced care and support solutions.

Working in partnership with providers together focused on enhancing services, not technology, enabling people to flourish.


Some of the innovative providers using Carezapp in transforming care and support in homes and other social care settings.


Cornerstone, a leading provider of care and support services

Cornerstone is partnering with Carezapp, introducing new innovative ways of working that help to address some of the challenges they and partner organisations face on a daily basis. For example, through an overnight responder service, Cornerstone has improved the available supports to vulnerable people in the community, whilst delivering substantial savings in staffing resources and care costs. LINK: Cornerstone Technology Enabled Care Services

Turning Point Scotland - Because People Matter

Turning Point Scotland driving innovation through partnership working and integrating digital technology as part of service delivery across Learning Disability, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Homelessness. For example, within Hera Grange housing in Dumfries, making a difference for people with complex disabilities and the staff caring for them. Providing care and support services to tenants, enabling them to be part of the community. Hera Grange boasts 11 bungalows, a staff and resident activity hub, and integrated Carezapp Care Technology. LINK: Turning Point Scotland, Hera Grange housing in Dumfries

Simon Community Scotland, to transform everyone’s experience of homelessness in Scotland.

Simon Community Scotland pioneered the first of its kind in the UK, potentially life-saving care technology solution that alerts staff when someone is overdosing. Following increased deaths from drug overdoses at their services, the Simon Community team worked with service users and partners Carezapp to develop a solution to monitor people within their residential services. The project had no additional deaths with the related services. LINK: Winner of the Scottish Charity Award for ‘demonstrating digital’

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About how Carezapp supports organisations and people that support vulnerable people.

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