Care Technology - Technology Enabled Care | How It Works - Carezapp Care Technology - Technology Enabled Care | How It Works - Carezapp

Helping vulnerable people to flourish!

Carezapp connects and informs people who care for others, empowering them and delivering real-time information and peace of mind.

Care technology is an umbrella term incorporating technology used to support people in their homes and other social care settings. It can include telecare, assistive technology, remote monitoring, virtual solutions, Technology Enabled Care (TEC) and smart home sensors and devices.

The Carezapp care technology support platform is for people who provide care and support, whether in someone’s own home, care home, supported living, social housing, assisted living or other social care settings.

  • Sensors and devices (typically non-contact) provide realtime activity (passive and non-intrusive) monitoring within a home environment.
  • Staff and supported people do not need to be ‘tech-savvy’ to use care technology. Easy to use.
  • Personalised support for a person’s social care and welfare, and safety needs (not medical).
  • Provides opportunities to access support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by either alerting staff, local responders, family or friends, or other third-party or emergency services.

Care technology that enables people to deliver person-centred care holistically and unintrusively, enhancing care and support services through an easy-to-use web app and mobile companion app. Improving the independence, safety and wellbeing of supported people.




Carezapp enables care providers and partner organisations to support the personalised needs of vulnerable people, utilising technology to understand and prevent or mitigate risks.

  • CONNECT – Connecting people within teams and groups into a care and support network and creating a community of common interest around a supported person, empowered through simple and secure communication and collaboration tools.
  • INFORM – Informing people through meaningful alerts, notifications and insights for a supported person. Carezapp aggregates and processes real-time data from selected best-of-breed technologies, sensors, and devices based on individualised care and support needs.



Carezapp Care Monitor, enables remote alert verification, secure voice and video calls and chat message communications between a supported person and their network.

Support Button, press to request a call or generate an alert.

Say, “ALEXA, Help me”, generating an alert on the Carezapp support platform.

Digital Technology Enabled Care (TEC), get an immediate notification for “Out of Bed”, monitor activity in realtime before escalating a response or deliver immediate support for fall prevention or detection.


Carezapp is delivered as a managed service for providers, thereby minimising technological impacts or requirements within an organisation, gathering relevant activity, physiological and environmental data on a 24/7 year-round basis.

Carezapp empowers care and support staff with the tools to help safeguard the people they support, even when they cannot always be there!

Video: Watch how Carezapp is helping to support people

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About how Carezapp supports organisations and people that support vulnerable people.

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